Uncorked Wine & Writing: Novels/Memoirs
June 22, 2024, from11:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Midtown Atlanta (Atlantic Station).
This interactive class takes creative writing to an elevated dimension! Infusing wine with creative prowess, Carla gives authors and aspiring authors the tools they need to uncork the stories bottled inside of them. We will bridge the gap between having an idea and getting it all down on paper. In a supportive workshop environment, insecurities will drop and penmanship will flourish. You do not want to miss this amazing experience!
This isn’t a one-stop-shop-Carla-will-write-my-book-for-me situation. This is a YES-I-WANT-TO-USE-MY-VOICE-TO-EMPOWER-OTHERS LIT-uation.
So if you are ready to stop talking about writing your book…thinking about writing your book…DREAMing about writing your book…and actually write your book, Uncorked Wine & Writing is perfect for you.
The course will cover topics including:
1. Plot – “Tell the story!”
2. Point of View – “Determine who is telling the story.”
3. Vivid writing – “Bring readers into your world, creating a sensory experience.”
4. Voice – “Discovering who you are as a writer.”
5. Revision – “Continuity of flow.”
6. Editing – “Dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s.”
7. Business side – “Gotta get these books sold!”
8. Dialogue – “Finding the difference between dialogue and writing. Exploring the use of dialect.”
9. Pacing – “Learn how not to put the goose before the gander.”
10. Setting the scene – “Where does the story take place?”
11. Character development – “Breathe life into characters making them real, complex and believable.”
12. Outlines – “Are they necessary?”
13. Overcoming writer’s block
This interactive training will show you the proven system you need to go on to write 3, 5, 10, or even 100 more books! The lessons you learn will last you a lifetime!
You will be in an intimate group setting with motivated, like-minded individuals dedicated to getting their brilliant ideas into a good, valuable read.
Your book’s content will be completely planned out during the three days of this course!
How exciting!
ADD TO CART and be ready to realize one of your dreams!Class meets June 22, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM in Midtown Atlanta (Atlantic Station). If you are traveling and would like more information, please email me at carla@carladupont.com.
See ya soon!